NORMEX has been managing and coordinating the creation of standards for more than 29 years, issuing certificates, opinions, certificates and technical reports for our clients’ products, services and systems.

Energy Management

We specialize in providing you with the necessary training to be able to optimally manage energy.

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We are experts in providing you with best practices, current regulations, changes and global trends.

We participate in various national and international committees.

Management Systems Certification

Improve your operation, strategies and quality of service and/or products, implement and certify your Management System correctly.

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Add value to your company through the Certification of your Management System:

  • ISO 9001 – QUALITY
  • ISO 21001 – EDUCATION


eLearning (Coming soon)

Learn at your own pace and from anywhere. Register in the platform and select the courses of your preference.

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This new modality allows you to access the courses offered by NORMEX in different sectors, with the advantage that you can learn at your own pace, from the comfort of your home, office or wherever you are.

Flexible prices, comfort, quality, accompaniment… All in one place.


Biodegradability Laboratory

We perform Biodegradability Analysis for liquid samples, soluble and poorly soluble compounds.

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Biodegradation is the process by which certain substances and materials slowly degrade, depending on their physical and chemical composition, and re-enter the Earth, in an ecological and natural way, by the action of nature.


    Product Certification

    We offer you an agile and professional service in the conformity assessment of all processes related to product certification.

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    Add value to your company through Product Certification:

    • Water.
    • Oats.
    • Solar collectors.
    • Technical Report on Solar Thermal Energy in Housing.
    • Medical oxygen.
    • Nitrous oxide.
    • Toiletries and hygiene products.
    • Re-qualification of containers.
    • Solar systems.


    Courses and Training

    We participate and support you with the training of your human capital through on-site or distance courses and workshops.

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    We offer courses in various subjects, among them:


    • Test laboratory management.
    • Commercial information.
    • Standardization.
    • Quality Management Systems, environment, occupational health and safety, energy and food safety.

    Food Safety

    At NORMEX we specialize in providing a fast and professional service in the conformity assessment of all processes related to food safety.

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    Add value to your company through Food Certification:

    Agricultural Sector:

    • GLOBALG.A.P.
    • Good Agricultural Practices
    • Contaminant Risk Reduction System.
    • PrimusGFS

    Processed food sector:

    • FSSC 22000
    • Pest Control
    • GFSI Global Markets Program
    • HACCP
    • ISO 22000


    Packaging Laboratory

    We provide a professional service in the execution of the different tests for containers and packaging containing hazardous substances, materials and wastes.

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    We are the only laboratory in Mexico, accredited by ema and approved by SICT, to perform tests for containers and packaging according to NOM-007-SCT-2-2022.

    We provide a professional service in the performance of the following services:

    • 5.5.3 ( Drop Test
    • 5.5.4 ( Tightness Test
    • 5.5.5 ( Internal pressure test (Hydraulic)
    • 5.5.6 ( Stacking Test
    • 5.5.7 (178.608 CFR) Vibration Test
    • ISO 535:2014 (E) and as indicated in point ( of NOM-007-SCT-2-2022, Determination of water absorption (Cobb Method).

    We have the following additional service:

    • Simulation of transport to various materials according to ASTM 999-A method (at a constant frequency)


    NORMEX offers you high-profile advice on standardization and standards development.

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    We are familiar with the national and international environment in the field of standardization, as well as new trends worldwide.

    We are aligned with the General Directorate of Standards (Dirección General de Normas) of the Ministry of Economy (Secretaría de Economía) in regulatory matters, we are experts in the management of processes and procedures since we are a certification organization.

    We also manage national and international standardization committees.



    Inspection Unit

    We offer the service of Inspection of Distintivo H, National Content and Commercial Information Labeling.

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    NORMEX can also issue certificates of conformity and opinions of compliance with commercial labeling under the following standards:

    • NOM-015-SCFI-2007 – Labeling for toys.
    • NOM-020-SCFI-1997 – Labeling of hides and skins […]
    • NOM-004-SCFI-2006 – Labeling of textile products, clothing, accessories and household linen.
    • NOM-050-SCFI-2004 – General product labeling.
    • NOM-051-SCFI/SSA1-2010 – General labeling specifications for prepackaged food and non-alcoholic beverages.
    • NOM-141-SSA1/SCFI-2012 – Labeling for prepackaged cosmetic products.
    • NOM-142-SSA1/SCFI-2014 – Alcoholic beverages. Sanitary specifications. Sanitary and commercial labeling.
    • NOM-189-SSA1/SCFI-2018 – Products and services. Labeling and packaging for household cleaning products.
    • NOM-024-SCFI-2013 – Commercial information for packaging, instructions and warranties for electronic, electrical and household appliance products.


    «NORMEX is synonymous with quality».

    Quality is present in all their processes and services, they have highly trained personnel, as well as auditors with many years of experience in various sectors.

    I highly recommend them.


    Empledo, NORMEX.

    Frequently Asked Questions

    For more information please contact us. We will reply to you as soon as possible.

    What are your hours of operation?

    Monday to Friday from 9:00 a. m. to 5:00 p. m.

    Where are they located?

    Av. San Antonio No. 256 Piso 7, Col. Ampliación Nápoles, C.P. 03840, Alcaldía Benito Juárez.

    How long will it take to get my certificate?

    The estimated time is three months, as long as the companies have implemented the standard.

    Which companies can be certified?

    Any company that needs to systematize its processes and establish continuous improvement.

    What are the benefits of certification?

    The organization demonstrates its ability to provide products and services that meet customer requirements and applicable regulations.

    Which packaging must be UN certified?

    Any container containing substances such as: chemicals, oils, insecticides, fertilizers, explosives, gasoline, etc. They are classified as hazardous substances.

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